Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SMILE this chair was one of the best things I found at our local fair. I was also lucky that my winnings covered about half the cost of it or Toli would never have agreed to it. It is the perfect height for my wheels and for his loom and looks nice enough we would not be ashamed to offer it to company. Also comfortable enough with that thick cushion and the back support. I only wish I could have afforded a second one in red for Toli so we would not have to share.

My pretty chair has a secret too. Turns out the seat lifts up from the back and reveals a nice storage area. Grin mine has puni, orf hooks, and a bit of this and that in it already.

2 comments: said...

I adore the Chair!!! love the storage space!! Toooo Coool!!!! huggs Marion

Opal said...

Awesome chair. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Six weeks of recovery sounds like a long time with no knitting or spinning. :(

Feel better soon!